Blender 3D Projects
This is a list of some of the Blender projects that I have been playing with. I hope that some of them will be useful, or at least entertaining.
A very detailed model of my bicycle, chipped paint, rust spots, dirt and all.

Download Blender model: | biky.blend
Rocks in the Fog
Experimenting with a few things:
- a granite procedural texture for the Cycles renderer;
- fog/smoke effect using Volume Scatter;
- adding automatically-generated camera shake while tracking a moving object;
- and motion blur.
The end result is this quite bizarre video.
Download Blender model: | rock.blend.
Toy Truck
A model of a toy truck. This is from several years ago, while I was learning to use Blender, so the model is far from perfect. It's using the internal Blender renderer, not Cycles.

Download Blender model: | toy_truck.blend.
Other Projects